Dew walked over to her mate, Storm. "How are you,Storm?" Dew asked, worried about what the answer might be. Storm had been sick lately, just a small cold, Dew was still very worried about it, though. "I think that the cold is clearing up!" Storm replied, knowing Dew's worry. "That's good to know." Dew purred, rubbing against him. Just then, their kitten, Star, skid past on the sodden grass, Chip, her older companion, fallowing close behind.
"WHERE, may I ask, is your mother, Chip?" Storm called after them. Chip stopped and, sadly, looked at his white paws. " found some humans and she gos to there house every day." Chip explained. Dew felt bad for him. Cocoa, his mother, was never focused, although, she was a sweet and caring mother."Well, Chip, don't travel to far." Dew reminded him."I'll remember that, Dew, thank you!"He called over his shoulder as he raced off.
Dew now turned to look at Storm."I'm going to hunt. Star and Chip will be hungry after their mini adventure." Dew said. "Okay. I feel very tiered.I'm going to rest a while." Storm meowed as he walked into the large log that they slept in. Dew ran over to him and gave his cheek a lick, "Good-bye, Storm." She purred and walked off.
Dew's hunt went well. She had hunted, two fish, a mouse, and three frogs. When she came back home, she was greeted enthusiastically by Star and Chip. "I'm glad your back. Star and Chip are anxious to tell you about their 'mini adventure'."
© 2011