Sunset awoke, as she stood up, pain griped her tail. A fox had attacked the cave that she and a few more cats live in. She cast an uneasy glance at her tail and gave it a sniff. Sunset let out a sigh. Although her tail hurt like fire, it wasn't infected.
She walked out of the den, but one of her paws brushed up against a dry, brown leaf. Crow lifted his head, his eyes squinting in the dawn light. "Wazza?" Crow meowed.
"It's just me, Sunset," Sunset reassured him.
"I could care less if it where you or that mangy fox coming back again! I just want to sleep! It would be nice if I could without cats stomping around in the leaves like an upset badger!" Crow growled.
Sunset flicked her ears in anger. But then she just shook it off. Sunset then, pushed the rest of her way out of the den. Orange-red sunlight filled the deep-purple sky. Sunset loved dawn.
Blaze walked up to her, "Would you like to hunt with me, Sunset?" he asked.
Sunset blinked in surprise, then she shook her head to clear it and then asked, "Have you, Stone, and Crow checked for fox scent?"
"Yes. We found out that it left our hunting grounds."
"Then what are we waiting for? Let's hunt!" Sunset purred.
Then, tails trailing behind them, they ran off.
Sunset was stalking a vole. Once she was about three feet away from it, she ponced. But she had missed the little creature by an inch. She sighed. Then she stood up from where she lay in the grass.
Sunset lifted her head higher and slightly parted her jaws. The strong sent of mouse wafted into her nose. Sunset carefully stalked the small gray shape that was just ahead of her. Quickly, she leaped on top of her prey. She then picked up the limp mouse and placed it down beside her other catches; two birds.
A sudden crackle behind some thick trees made her spin around.
"Blaze?" she called.
No answer.
"Blaze? Blaze, are you there?"
Another loud snap of a twig.
Blaze, please help me," Sunset whispered meekly, her eyes wide with fear.
Sunset tasted the air, only to find a strange stench filling the air.
What is this creature, and why is it here? she thought.
Just then, a human walked out of the trees. Sunset let out a startled gasp when she saw what the human was carrying inside a cage;
Sunset screeched with rage and flung herself at the human's leg. The human yowled and dropped the cage. And with that, it sprang open. Quickly, Blaze raced out of the cold silver cage.
The human yowled again and grabbed her. She screeched in fury as she was shoved into the hard cage. Then, Sunset turned around, wanting to see if Blaze was okay. Suddenly, she felt a sharp wave of pain quickly grow as she hit her head on the hard metal of the cage. Then everything went black.
Sunset awoke on a soft rug covering the ground underneath her. She shook her head, dizzy from all of the new sites and sounds.

Sunset sighed. Remembering where she was. She had been here, trapped with the humans for a week. She was always grateful for the kindness and gentleness they showed her, but she wanted to be back home, in the cave.
A young human stroked her fur. Sunset closed her eyes in content, but a question raked through her mind; was she trapped here forever?
© 2011