Seven years later, Alexia found herself crying in bed at the loss of her kind best friend. Alexia saw something out of the corner of her eye. The she recognized it! Puff! She turned toward him, only to realize that it was only a white book that had been blurred by the tears pouring down her cheeks in a steady stream. Alexia burst into tears once again, the book being a reminder that she would never see her gentle little kitty friend ever again. Soon, she had cried herself to sleep only to find herself staring at none other then Puff in a dream. Although, Alexia noticed that he looked somewhat faded.
Surprisingly, Puff opened his jaws and meowed, "Alexia! Hello, friend."
"Oh, Puff! I thought you died when the car... I remember... Puff, how I missed you!"
Puff purred. Then, he opened his eyes, Alexia noticed that he looked distant as he meowed, "When you wake up, you must go down into the cellar."
"Why?" Alexia asked.
"Just remember, go into the cellar," Puff said.
"But why, Puff?" Alexia repeated. But before she had even finished her sentence, Puff had diapered. A moment later, Alexia was lying awake in bed. She got out of bed. Then, she walked down the stairs and into the cellar. A few cobwebs were attached to the stairwell, their dull white strands quivering as Alexia whisked by. She shivered at the site of them. Alexia didn't like spiders. Finally, Alexia was in the dark cellar. Her hand searched for the light switch. Soon, she felt it. She switched it on with a soft click. Then, she looked around the cellar. To her utter surprise and amazement, she saw Puff! He was slightly faded, like he was in her dream, but there he was, sitting there on a large box in the corner.

"Meow!" he said.
© 2012
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