Ice's paws stung as he got up. He looked down and lifted his paw to his face. It was cut and bloody from running on the hard road chasing after his humans. His humans....Fresh tears filled his eyes and ran down his cheeks. His humans. How could they have done this to him? Ice sat down, trying to stop the throbbing pain in his paws.
Images flashed trough his mind. His owners talking and looking at houses on the computer as he sat on their laps, purring. His owners putting up a large white sign in their yard as he wove through their legs. His owners sitting down and talking with a man as he licked their fingers. His owners loading up a big white van as he played with a lose string on the man's pant leg. And, finally, his humans stepping into the car as he desperately tried to get in with them.
Ice tightly shut his eyes, trying to escape the pain. Then, a horrible thought struck him. His owners hadn't been paying much attention to him before they left him. What if they didn't care? What if they wouldn't come back and cuddle him and tell him that they were sorry and that they missed him? What if--what if he was all alone forever? Did he have any friends in this cruel world? He knew the answer to the last question. No. He was alone. Alone forever.

© 2012
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