Smoking started long ago, when the native Americans used to roll up dried tobacco plants and put one end in their mouth and set the other alight. Even this was unhealthy. But now smoking is much, much worse.
The worst thing about cigarettes and cigars is the fact that they are so addictive. Cigarette companies will pay actors and actresses to smoke on TV. People will idolize them and take up smoking.
But cigarette companies do far worse then just this. They put miniscule amounts of 200 different poisons; including arsenic (a fatal poison), methane (gas released from the intestines), benzene (which is linked to leukemia), and ethanol (which is alcohol). There is also cadmium--witch can cause lung and prostate cancer and fungicides and pesticides that also cause types of cancers and birth defects. There are also poisons that come from candle wax, rubber, and lighter fluid. Not something I would want to put in my mouth.
The reason why they put the 200 horrible poisons in cigarettes is so that people get addicted to them. They might start to imitate their favorite actress or actor or to look cool or something, but after a few goes, they become addicted to it just as you might get addicted to drugs. The gradually can hardly stand to be without them. The cigarette companies, obviously, do this to promote business. And, sadly, it works.
But it isn't just the poisons that makes cigarettes horrible for you. Smoke inhalation from the cigarette causes you lungs to rot and blacken. They end up looking eaten away at parts and become hard--not as flexible as they would without cigarettes. They look nothing like a healthy lung, which is pale, soft, and easily lengthens and shortens.
Cigarettes also cause other cancers--not just lung cancer. You can also get cancer of the, bladder, nose, kidney, mouth, esophagus, larynx (vocal chords), liver, stomach, bone, pancreas, and pharynx. It isn't just cancer that you have to worry about, either (as if it isn't enough). There is no proven link, but smoking may also cause leukemia.
You also have to worry about your teeth. Because of the cigarettes, your teeth will begin to yellow and decay. This won't just give you bad breath, either. Rotting teeth had been connected to heart diseases. And its not just your breath that will smell, either. The stench of the cigarettes will hang around you, your house, your car--wherever you smoke, really.
And smoking isn't just bad for you either. It's bad for the environment, too. First of all, it pollutes the air, seeing as it releases carbon dioxide (CO2). The amount of CO2 produced by smoking is tiny, small even at a large scale. But when you have several billion people smoking cigarettes, each one smoking hundreds of packets of them every year, you get much more carbon dioxide.
Smoking is bad for the environment also because of the fact that people litter, tossing used, often even still lit, cigarettes wherever they please. On the sidewalk, on the street, pretty much everywhere you look you can spot one of these foul things. Even if people where mindful and deposed of cigarettes the proper way--snuffing them out, placing them somewhere where they are not a fire hazard to cool off, and then throwing them out (into a trash can)--they will still end up in on of the countless dumps, still harming the earth. Each cigarette is tiny, but again, look at it by how many people smoke and how much they smoke. It really adds up.
Even if you don't care about your health or the environment, then what that of others? Smoking will cause the people around you to develop the same problems. My grandfather died from lung cancer because his wife smoked. This is an example of how smoking can effect your loved ones.
© 2013
The reason why they put the 200 horrible poisons in cigarettes is so that people get addicted to them. They might start to imitate their favorite actress or actor or to look cool or something, but after a few goes, they become addicted to it just as you might get addicted to drugs. The gradually can hardly stand to be without them. The cigarette companies, obviously, do this to promote business. And, sadly, it works.
But it isn't just the poisons that makes cigarettes horrible for you. Smoke inhalation from the cigarette causes you lungs to rot and blacken. They end up looking eaten away at parts and become hard--not as flexible as they would without cigarettes. They look nothing like a healthy lung, which is pale, soft, and easily lengthens and shortens.
Cigarettes also cause other cancers--not just lung cancer. You can also get cancer of the, bladder, nose, kidney, mouth, esophagus, larynx (vocal chords), liver, stomach, bone, pancreas, and pharynx. It isn't just cancer that you have to worry about, either (as if it isn't enough). There is no proven link, but smoking may also cause leukemia.
You also have to worry about your teeth. Because of the cigarettes, your teeth will begin to yellow and decay. This won't just give you bad breath, either. Rotting teeth had been connected to heart diseases. And its not just your breath that will smell, either. The stench of the cigarettes will hang around you, your house, your car--wherever you smoke, really.
And smoking isn't just bad for you either. It's bad for the environment, too. First of all, it pollutes the air, seeing as it releases carbon dioxide (CO2). The amount of CO2 produced by smoking is tiny, small even at a large scale. But when you have several billion people smoking cigarettes, each one smoking hundreds of packets of them every year, you get much more carbon dioxide.
Smoking is bad for the environment also because of the fact that people litter, tossing used, often even still lit, cigarettes wherever they please. On the sidewalk, on the street, pretty much everywhere you look you can spot one of these foul things. Even if people where mindful and deposed of cigarettes the proper way--snuffing them out, placing them somewhere where they are not a fire hazard to cool off, and then throwing them out (into a trash can)--they will still end up in on of the countless dumps, still harming the earth. Each cigarette is tiny, but again, look at it by how many people smoke and how much they smoke. It really adds up.
Even if you don't care about your health or the environment, then what that of others? Smoking will cause the people around you to develop the same problems. My grandfather died from lung cancer because his wife smoked. This is an example of how smoking can effect your loved ones.
© 2013
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