Tiger saw a human-no! TWO humans carrying a large package. Tiger's owner was now talking to them. Tiger sighed and sat down waiting for them to finish jabbering the day away and bring in the thing already. He needed to explore this object to make sure that it would pass "the home inspection".
Soon his human signed for the thing and the other people left. Tiger watched as his owner hauled the large object into the house all alone. Tiger decided to help his owner. He rubbed his owner's legs encouragingly. His owner stumbled and dropped the box right on Tiger! Tiger managed to get away (mostly) but the package hit his tail. Tiger screeched in pain and his human yowled with surprise. Within seconds, his owner lept to Tiger's side and puled the box off Tiger's tail. Tiger stumbled away from the box and flopped onto the bed. Sleep easily came to him.
© 2012
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