Hello World Wide Cat Lovers!

Welcome to "The Purple Paw"! We (BlackCat13, KittyLover8, littlekitty5, and SuperPOWerHorse) have explored even the darkest corners of our minds to create the many posts on our blog. Here, we've posted funny articles, poems, adorable limericks, heart-stopping stories and fact-filled posts, for you to read.



Saturday, July 20, 2013

Captain of the Guards- Chapter Thirty-Three- The Writing

Fleck felt a rush of the midnight breeze in her ears as she ran. Her paws flew beneath her and her whiskers were pressed back against the wind. Her jaws were slightly open to intake breath. She was dashing across the forest floor with immense speed, hoping to get the weapons to Ember, then go back to Slate’s kingdom and be back in bed in time to get a decent night’s sleep. Although, she told herself with an inward sigh, that is quite a bit to wish for in this war.

Once Fleck was out of the woods, she slowed down by a degree, into more of a fast walk. She wanted to catch her breath and regain some energy for the run back to King Slate’s kingdom. Soon, the weapon shed was in view. Fleck decided on dropping the weapons off their and then reporting to Ember. After all, it was a long and needless walk to lug around the heavy sack of weaponry.

So Fleck started up the hill to the worn-looking shed. As she got closer, she noticed that there was an orange cat there, right next to the side of the sad little shed. The cat was moving slightly and looking at the side of the shed. When Fleck got closer, she saw that the cat was tracing or writing something on the side of the shed. Perhaps to occupy its time? There was only one way to find out...

“Hey, there!” Fleck called to the cat, tilting her head trying to see who it was as she approached. The cat had its back turned to her and she couldn’t see its face. “What are you doing and who are you?”

The cat turned, revealing that it was Quince. Her expression was panic-stricken and startled. “Fleck!” she said, more out of surprise then welcome.

“Quince!” Fleck said with a happy smile, now almost at her destination. “I’m so happy that Ember took my advice and posted a guard here. I mean, honestly, what did he think was going to happen? Does he really believe that Slate’s cats are that stupid that they can’t even pick a lock? Especially as this one. It’s pathetic, really.”

“No, he didn’t post a guard,” Quince explained, still looking shaken. “I came here to check things out, you know, what with what happened last night. And I found... I found this written here.”

Quince stepped aside to reveal a message written in blood on the cave wall. The scarlet words read, You shall all fall to Slate’s rule. Surender before it is too late... There are some things that are worse then death.

Fleck shuddered after she read the menacing message. “We’d better report this to Ember.”

Quince nodded without a sound and headed off. Fleck quickly picked the lock on the weapon shed, shoved the bag of weapons and ammo inside, locked the padlock behind her and dashed after Quince. Once the pair of she-cats had arrived at Ember’s chamber, they burst inside, not bothering to knock.

Ember greeted them warmly with immense hospitality. “Quince! Fleck! How are you? Would you like to enjoy a cup of tea with me? It’s hibiscus and black cherry. I take back what I said before. My maid can whip up the best hibiscus and cherry tea you’ve ever had. In fact, I could get her to make us ginger, too. Oh, you haven’t lived until you’ve had her ginger tea. I don’t know what she does to food, but she just makes it perfectly delectable.” He laughed good-naturally. “Sometimes, I wonder if she has a little bag of pixie dust and sprinkles a little pinch of the delightful stuff onto every single thing that she--”

“Ember,” Fleck interrupted flatly.

“Yes?” Ember murmured into his cup of hibiscus and black cherry tea. “What is it, Fleck, my dear? Say it and it will be granted.”

“Shut up,” Fleck spat, ignoring Ember’s pleasant attitude. “Me and Quince have some very important news to give you and if you don’t shut your trap this instant I don’t think that you ever will.”

Quince stifled a laugh. Then she straightened herself and said, “On the weapon shed, written in blood, is a message. It basically states that Slate will undoubtably win the war and that if we don’t surrender we will meet things worse then death, whatever that means.”

“That is bad,” Ember agreed, sipping his steaming cup of tea. “What should we do about it?”

“I think that we should ignore it,” Fleck replied defiantly, looking completely unafraid. “All it is is some stupid writing--”

“In blood,” Ember cut in helpfully.

Fleck sighed in exasperation and continued. “--that is only there to scare us. It’s an empty threat. What could Slate do that’s worse then death by having us not surrender? In fact, I think that it would be worse then death the surrender to him and be met by whatever he plans on doing with those of us that are left.”

“Well, I think that we should--” Ember began, brow set in an argumentative way.

“You know, Slate will kill you first thing if you are defeated or surrender,” Fleck interrupted factually.

“Oh,” Ember said, sounding deflated. Then his voice rose into a more powerful and announcing one. “I was just about to say that I agree with you, Fleck, and that we should press onwards.”

“Oh, yeah, we all know that that’s the truth!” Fleck rolled her eyes and laughed with teasing sarcasm. Quince joined in the merriment and laughter.

“Well, it is!” Ember whined in his childish defense.

This made the two she-cats laugh even harder. Ember bit his lip to contain his growing rage and indignation.

“Quiet!” Ember shouted at the top of his lungs. “And that’s a direct order. I will not tolerate being mocked by you. I am your king! And I am your better. Furthermore, I would like to see this so-called ‘message’ on that weapon shed for myself. For all I know, it could just be some stupid prank you two are pulling on me.”

“Whatever,” Fleck snorted, unconcerned.

Quince and Fleck led the way with Ember not far behind. He was grumbling the all the way about how ‘this whole thing is a wild goose chase’ and how Quince and Fleck would ‘be sorry if this was a joke.’

But once they were there, the writing in blood proved them right. It was still there, an ominous threat made by an unknown cat. Ember stared at it, mouth agape in wonder and fear. His eyes were wide as he read the message for himself, once and then a second time for good measure. He didn’t seem to know what to make of it but to be afraid, which was exactly what Slate wanted.

Then, Ember straitened himself and stated decisively, “You must have done this yourselves.”

Quince and Fleck gasped with enraged indignation and said simultaneously, “What?”

“Are you crazy?” Fleck spat. “You know that me and Quince are both as loyal to you as any cat you could find in your kingdom, Ember. We would never do such a thing. In this war, we can’t accuse our comrades of betraying us, else we’ll tare ourselves apart. If we stand together, we’ll have a better chance of winning this war.”

Ember looked convinced for a moment. Then, he looked down at Quince’s paw and snarled accusingly, “Then why do you have a cut on your paw, Quince?”

If he had ever been right, it was now. When Fleck looked for herself, there was, in fact, a small but deep cut on Quince’s right paw. It looked fairly fresh, but was no longer bleeding.

“That doesn’t prove anything, Ember!” Quince hissed in her defense. “On my way over to this shed earlier, I cut myself on a stupid thorn. What, you think that I wrote that message? Ha! I would never do such a thing. And what did Fleck just say about standing together? Suspecting me just because I have a cut paw is merely out of desperation.”

“I suppose so,” Ember said, sighing with defeat.

“Look,” Fleck started reasonably, “we are all facing a very difficult time full of death and despair. We’re looking for someone to blame for all of this and we’re going to start loosing good friends because of that. Our real enemy is ourselves. But if we stay strong, we--”

Fleck stopped abruptly, staring at the silhouette in the trees by the faraway shooting range. Ember and Quince followed Fleck gaze and stared at the mysterious cat wit her. The cat stared back, jewl-like eyes reflecting the silvery moonlight and boring into the three cats watching from the hilltop.

Then, the cat turned away and darted into the trees. And just like that, it was gone.


© 2013

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